
The era in which we live has been defined by technological innovations and wild advancements. Though artificial intelligence (AI) is not a novel discovery, the influence it has asserted across industries in the past few years is significant, representing a giant leap forward for the digital era.

AI is a truly disruptive technology, including in areas such as art, marketing and graphic design. It has become another tool designers use to engage audiences, build brand recognition and create new and exciting artistic pieces.

Efficiency and Creativity

Though some may bemoan the popularity of AI, the integration of AI into packaging design for a number of products heralds a new era of not only creativity but also efficiency in design. Cannabis packaging is especially well-poised for the AI invasion. It’s a relatively new consumer product whose packaging tends to be eye-catching and modern.

Cannabis companies have been able to stretch beyond the limits of imagination and traditional design with regard to photography editing and computer-generated imagery. Now, whatever fanciful idea a marketing team can conjure can be created — often faster and for far less money than traditional design or photography approaches. The traditional design process is being revolutionized through AI algorithms with unprecedented tools for artists and graphic designers.

Extreme Customization

Through AI, marketers are also now able to generate packaging based on customized consumer preferences and the specific tastes and styles of not only cannabis users but also brand spokespeople. Often, the use of cannabis is very personal. Some use it to relax, others to get better sleep, and still others use it socially. Whatever one’s reason for cannabis use, AI can help marketers and graphic designers create packaging that speaks to these specific users and boldly declares a particular brand voice.

How AI Works With Packaging Design

One may wonder how AI can revolutionize package design in this way. It is all through the power of algorithms and machine learning.

First, the AI is trained to learn the product, much like a graphic designer studies a product before they start on a package design they create. Once the AI has all the necessary knowledge, it is given a task — for example, creating a package design featuring the owner of the cannabis company riding a unicorn. The AI program can then produce any number of viable options pertaining to the instructions and information given.

If the designs are not to the liking of the graphic design or marketing staff, the program can be fed more information, or the task request can be altered to be more specific. Whatever design the AI program produces can then be altered or enhanced by the graphic design team to match the company’s vision. Some packages can even be equipped with QR codes that lead to more information about the product or interactive elements, such as augmented reality (AR) content. Companies have even ventured into using AI to create product imaging for websites, 3D renderings, and automating market input on test packaging.

Today’s cannabis market is highly competitive and companies must go a step further creatively to stand out in the crowd. The convergence of AI and cannabis product packaging design marks a transformative chapter in the rapidly evolving landscape of both design innovation and the cannabis industry itself. The use of AI allows for waves of creativity, personalization and visually striking packaging that demands to be noticed. As consumer expectations rise, AI may catalyze managing market expectations.

The cannabis industry is ready to embrace these tech advancements, moving into an era where AI can help shape not only the visual identity of the cannabis market but also the very essence of its consumer appeal.


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