TPRM, risk, AIOps, AI Operations, AI risk

Cold chain operations exist as a vital part of the supply chain for foods and other temperature-sensitive goods. Any failure in a link of the cold chain getting the product from farm or manufacturer to the consumer can lead to wasted goods, contamination and negative environmental impacts. 

AI is transforming this industry with technology that reduces risk, minimizes the effects of human error and provides necessary transparency to consumers. 

Optimize Loading and Unloading 

For goods that need to be kept at a certain temperature, inefficiencies in the loading and unloading processes can create risk of contamination and spoilage. AI has the ability to evaluate the space and the load, creating effective configurations that maximize storage. It can also outline loading and unloading plans that minimize the risk of products rising above maximum temperatures. Leveraging these benefits, logistics companies can reduce the amount of time they spend getting the product through the delivery chain. 

Streamline Data Collection 

AI’s real transformative abilities in the arena of cold chain logistics services lie in the collection and use of data. It can: 

  • Predict transportation complications and find route alternatives based on traffic patterns, construction, and other factors
  • Gather data about temperature and humidity, ensuring an unbroken chain of control
  • Identify flaws in the supply chain and highlight alternatives that are cheaper, better protected or closer to location 
  • Organize data for oversight, so that employees can verify the safety of products during transport 
  • Generate alerts for products and systems that fall outside of minimum temperature thresholds 
  • Perform real-time equipment adjustments to minimize threats from external environments 

Using data this way can dramatically increase overall efficiency, reduce the staff needed to manage the systems and limit the workload of current employees. 

Reduce Contamination 

Many products, fresh food items in particular, must be kept at a certain max temperature to avoid contamination. AI can help to ensure a consistent chain of cold storage and transportation, reducing the risk of contamination. To minimize the spread of bacteria, viruses and other food-borne pathogens, logistics professionals should keep most vulnerable items at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. AI uses data to test, report, alert and make changes to the system in real-time that can help them maintain target temperatures during all stages of loading, transportation and unloading. 

Minimize Spoilage 

The USDA estimates that the U.S. wastes approximately 30 to 40 percent of its own food supply. Spoilage can happen at any point in the process, leading to waste and loss of money for manufacturers, retailers and consumers. Maintaining temperature-sensitive goods at the ideal temperature and humidity can help avoid this and ensure that the goods make it through the chain of ownership. Additionally, the consistent cold storage prolongs product life and improves customer satisfaction. 

Improve Equipment Viability 

While AI uses equipment to collect and manage data about cold chain transportation, it can also help maintain that equipment. Under stress, equipment faces the risk of performance degradation unnoticeable to humans. The gradual decrease in output can lead to incorrect temperatures or other system failures.

AI can gather data on performance and report outages or failures, so that workers can arrange for prompt repairs. It can also identify the best maintenance system for a company’s line of transportation vehicles to improve energy efficiency and longevity for the equipment. 

Increase Transparency 

The public’s comfort rests in its trust in companies to deliver a product tailored to the specifications. They expect organizations to maintain a fair level of transparency about their processes and limitations. AI can assist in providing that by using technologies like blockchain. Blockchain decentralizes data to ensure tamper-proof access to critical information so that businesses and consumers can be certain that the records concerning temperature during cold transport are accurate. This information can be made available to stakeholders and the public, as a way of establishing safe storage practices and proving transparency. 

A modern cold chain logistics company needs current technology to minimize common problems. By implementing AI into various aspects of the transportation system, organizations can reduce overall waste, prevent contamination and promote transparency with the public. 


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